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Audiocodes Mediapack MP-112 an AVM FRITZ!Box 7490

Liebe Comunity,

ich bin am verzweifeln, ich würde gerne ein Analogtelefonadapter ATA der Firma Audiocodes MP-112 an meine Fritzbox 7490 registrieren.

Die Registrierung erfolgt per Analogport, das heist es sind zwei SIP Accounts in der Fritzbox konfiguriert.
Hat jemand vieleicht schon mal diesen ATA an der Fritzbox konfiguriert?

Das Hauptproblem ist das sich die Box nicht an der Fritzbox registriert.
Ich habe diverse Syslogs durchgeführt und mit audiocodes gesprochen, leider scheind das Problem auf der Fritzbox seite zu liegen,
ich hoffe hierrüber einen Wissenden finden zu können.

Besten Dank vorab!

Content-Key: 538131

Url: https://administrator.de/contentid/538131

Printed on: May 11, 2024 at 02:05 o'clock

Member: NordicMike
NordicMike Jan 23, 2020 at 02:39:38 (UTC)
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„Per“ Analogport kann man nichts registrieren. Du meinst vermutlich „pro“ Analogport.

Dann zeig uns mal alle Einstellungen, mach am Besten Screenshots.
Member: shadynet
shadynet Apr 27, 2020 updated at 16:51:21 (UTC)
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Falls es dir noch hilft gibts hier eine Config, die in der Firmware 6.60A.332.002 funktioniert.

[SYSTEM Params]

EnableSyslog = 1
;NTPServerIP_abs is hidden but has non-default value
;VpFileLastUpdateTime is hidden but has non-default value
NTPServerIP = 'de.pool.ntp.org'  

[BSP Params]

PCMLawSelect = 3

[Analog Params]

[ControlProtocols Params]

AdminStateLockControl = 0
;CPSERVICECHANGEPROFILE is hidden but has non-default value

[MGCP Params]

[MEGACO Params]

EP_Num_0 = 0
EP_Num_1 = 1
EP_Num_2 = 1
EP_Num_3 = 0
EP_Num_4 = 0

[Voice Engine Params]

CallProgressTonesFilename = 'call_progress_germany.dat'  
IdlePCMPattern = 85
CallerIDType = 0
FaxTransportMode = 2
FaxRelayMaxRate = 3

[WEB Params]

LogoWidth = '145'  

[SIP Params]

;ISPRACKREQUIRED is hidden but has non-default value
MSLDAPPRIMARYKEY = 'telephoneNumber'  

[IPsec Params]

[SNMP Params]

[ DspTemplates ]

;  *** TABLE DspTemplates *** 
; This table contains hidden elements and will not be exposed.
; This table exists on board and will be saved during restarts.

[ \DspTemplates ]

[ TrunkGroup ]

FORMAT TrunkGroup_Index = TrunkGroup_TrunkGroupNum, TrunkGroup_FirstTrunkId, TrunkGroup_FirstBChannel, TrunkGroup_LastBChannel, TrunkGroup_FirstPhoneNumber, TrunkGroup_ProfileId, TrunkGroup_LastTrunkId, TrunkGroup_Module;
TrunkGroup 0 = 0, 255, 1, 1, "#BENUTZERNAMETEILNEHMER1", 0, 255, 255;  
TrunkGroup 1 = 0, 255, 2, 2, "#BENUTZERNAMETEILNEHMER2", 0, 255, 255;  

[ \TrunkGroup ]

[ ProxyIp ]

FORMAT ProxyIp_Index = ProxyIp_IpAddress, ProxyIp_TransportType, ProxyIp_ProxySetId;

[ \ProxyIp ]

[ TxDtmfOption ]

FORMAT TxDtmfOption_Index = TxDtmfOption_Type;
TxDtmfOption 0 = 4;

[ \TxDtmfOption ]

[ TelProfile ]

FORMAT TelProfile_Index = TelProfile_ProfileName, TelProfile_TelPreference, TelProfile_CodersGroupID, TelProfile_IsFaxUsed, TelProfile_JitterBufMinDelay, TelProfile_JitterBufOptFactor, TelProfile_IPDiffServ, TelProfile_SigIPDiffServ, TelProfile_DtmfVolume, TelProfile_InputGain, TelProfile_VoiceVolume, TelProfile_EnableReversePolarity, TelProfile_EnableCurrentDisconnect, TelProfile_EnableDigitDelivery, TelProfile_EnableEC, TelProfile_MWIAnalog, TelProfile_MWIDisplay, TelProfile_FlashHookPeriod, TelProfile_EnableEarlyMedia, TelProfile_ProgressIndicator2IP, TelProfile_TimeForReorderTone, TelProfile_EnableDIDWink, TelProfile_IsTwoStageDial, TelProfile_DisconnectOnBusyTone, TelProfile_EnableVoiceMailDelay, TelProfile_DialPlanIndex, TelProfile_Enable911PSAP, TelProfile_SwapTelToIpPhoneNumbers, TelProfile_EnableAGC, TelProfile_ECNlpMode, TelProfile_DigitalCutThrough, TelProfile_EnableFXODoubleAnswer, TelProfile_CallPriorityMode, TelProfile_FXORingTimeout, TelProfile_IP2TelCutThroughCallBehavior;
TelProfile 1 = "", 1, 0, 2, 10, 10, 46, 40, -11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 700, 0, -1, 255, 0, 1, 1, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0;  

[ \TelProfile ]

[ IpProfile ]

FORMAT IpProfile_Index = IpProfile_ProfileName, IpProfile_IpPreference, IpProfile_CodersGroupID, IpProfile_IsFaxUsed, IpProfile_JitterBufMinDelay, IpProfile_JitterBufOptFactor, IpProfile_IPDiffServ, IpProfile_SigIPDiffServ, IpProfile_SCE, IpProfile_RTPRedundancyDepth, IpProfile_RemoteBaseUDPPort, IpProfile_CNGmode, IpProfile_VxxTransportType, IpProfile_NSEMode, IpProfile_IsDTMFUsed, IpProfile_PlayRBTone2IP, IpProfile_EnableEarlyMedia, IpProfile_ProgressIndicator2IP, IpProfile_EnableEchoCanceller, IpProfile_CopyDest2RedirectNumber, IpProfile_MediaSecurityBehaviour, IpProfile_CallLimit, IpProfile_DisconnectOnBrokenConnection, IpProfile_FirstTxDtmfOption, IpProfile_SecondTxDtmfOption, IpProfile_RxDTMFOption, IpProfile_EnableHold, IpProfile_InputGain, IpProfile_VoiceVolume, IpProfile_AddIEInSetup, IpProfile_SBCExtensionCodersGroupID, IpProfile_MediaIPVersionPreference, IpProfile_TranscodingMode, IpProfile_SBCAllowedCodersGroupID, IpProfile_SBCAllowedCodersMode, IpProfile_SBCMediaSecurityBehaviour, IpProfile_SBCRFC2833Behavior, IpProfile_SBCAlternativeDTMFMethod, IpProfile_SBCAssertIdentity, IpProfile_AMDSensitivityParameterSuit, IpProfile_AMDSensitivityLevel, IpProfile_AMDMaxGreetingTime, IpProfile_AMDMaxPostSilenceGreetingTime, IpProfile_SBCDiversionMode, IpProfile_SBCHistoryInfoMode, IpProfile_EnableQSIGTunneling, IpProfile_SBCFaxCodersGroupID, IpProfile_SBCFaxBehavior, IpProfile_SBCFaxOfferMode, IpProfile_SBCFaxAnswerMode, IpProfile_SbcPrackMode, IpProfile_SBCSessionExpiresMode, IpProfile_SBCRemoteUpdateSupport, IpProfile_SBCRemoteReinviteSupport, IpProfile_SBCRemoteDelayedOfferSupport, IpProfile_SBCRemoteReferBehavior, IpProfile_SBCRemote3xxBehavior, IpProfile_SBCRemoteMultiple18xSupport, IpProfile_SBCRemoteEarlyMediaResponseType, IpProfile_SBCRemoteEarlyMediaSupport, IpProfile_EnableSymmetricMKI, IpProfile_MKISize, IpProfile_SBCEnforceMKISize, IpProfile_SBCRemoteEarlyMediaRTP, IpProfile_SBCRemoteSupportsRFC3960, IpProfile_SBCRemoteCanPlayRingback, IpProfile_EnableEarly183, IpProfile_EarlyAnswerTimeout, IpProfile_SBC2833DTMFPayloadType, IpProfile_SBCUserRegistrationTime, IpProfile_ResetSRTPStateUponRekey, IpProfile_AmdMode, IpProfile_SBCReliableHeldToneSource, IpProfile_SBCPlayHeldTone, IpProfile_SBCRemoteHoldFormat, IpProfile_GenerateSRTPKeys;
IpProfile 1 = "", 1, 0, 2, 10, 10, 46, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0, -1, 1, 4, -1, 1, 1, 0, 0, "", -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 300, 400, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 1, 3, 0, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0;  

[ \IpProfile ]

[ Authentication ]

FORMAT Authentication_Index = Authentication_UserId, Authentication_UserPassword, Authentication_Port, Authentication_PortType;

[ \Authentication ]

[ ProxySet ]

FORMAT ProxySet_Index = ProxySet_EnableProxyKeepAlive, ProxySet_ProxyKeepAliveTime, ProxySet_ProxyLoadBalancingMethod, ProxySet_IsProxyHotSwap, ProxySet_SRD, ProxySet_ClassificationInput, ProxySet_ProxyRedundancyMode, ProxySet_KeepAliveFailureResp;
ProxySet 0 = 0, 60, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, "";  

[ \ProxySet ]

[ CodersGroup0 ]

FORMAT CodersGroup0_Index = CodersGroup0_Name, CodersGroup0_pTime, CodersGroup0_rate, CodersGroup0_PayloadType, CodersGroup0_Sce;
CodersGroup0 0 = "g711Alaw64k", 20, 255, -1, 0;  

[ \CodersGroup0 ]

[ RoutingRuleGroups ]

FORMAT RoutingRuleGroups_Index = RoutingRuleGroups_LCREnable, RoutingRuleGroups_LCRAverageCallLength, RoutingRuleGroups_LCRDefaultCost;
RoutingRuleGroups 0 = 0, 1, 1;

[ \RoutingRuleGroups ]

[ ResourcePriorityNetworkDomains ]

FORMAT ResourcePriorityNetworkDomains_Index = ResourcePriorityNetworkDomains_Name, ResourcePriorityNetworkDomains_Ip2TelInterworking;
ResourcePriorityNetworkDomains 1 = "dsn", 1;  
ResourcePriorityNetworkDomains 2 = "dod", 1;  
ResourcePriorityNetworkDomains 3 = "drsn", 1;  
ResourcePriorityNetworkDomains 5 = "uc", 1;  
ResourcePriorityNetworkDomains 7 = "cuc", 1;  

[ \ResourcePriorityNetworkDomains ]

Nicht schön mit den Platzhaltern, aber machbar.

Telefonieren geht, Fax geht, Rufnummernanzeige geht. Ob DTMF funktioniert habe ich gestern nicht getestet. So registriert sich das Ding an einer FB7590 mit FritzOS 7.12. Nicht wundern, du sollst wirklich nirgends die interne Rufnummer eintragen, alles wird über den beim Anlegen eingetragenen Benutzername des IP-Telefons erledigt.